Name: | Golden Globe Investment Corp. |
Company number: | 6671501 | Company status: | Active |
Incorporation date: | 12 December 2006 (almost 15 years ago) |
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Company type: | Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders |
Jurisdiction: | Canada |
Business number: | 830771762RC0001 |
Registered address: | 29 BLITHFIELD AVE, TORONTO, M2K 1X9, ON, CA |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Identifiers: | 1. Identifier system Canadian Business NumberIdentifier 830771762RC0001Categories Business |
Latest events: | 2006-12-12 - 2017-06-08 Addition of officer NASI VAGHEF, director2017-06-08 - 2019-05-23 Change of status from 'Active' to 'Active Dissolution Pending (Non Compliance)'2019-05-23 - 2019-09-15 Change of status from 'Active Dissolution Pending (Non Compliance)' to 'Active' |
Officers: | NASI VAGHEF director |